About Operation Pedal 4 Vets

Follow my journey of raising awareness and funds for The Boot Campaign as I train to ride my bicycle on RAGBRAI (400+ miles across the state of Iowa) while wearing combat boots!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Boots Are Everywhere!

Part of the Boot Campaign's mission, as well as the object of the Juice Charity Challenge I'm participating in, is awareness. Prior to RAGBRAI, Des Moines Juice did an interview and article of my Op. It was amazing to meet people on the ride that had read the article and told me it was their goal for the week to meet me! I even had a guy from California speed up to tell me his team was passing around the article on their bus on their way to Rock Valley.


After RAGBRAI, we did a follow up interview and article for Juice. I posted the article to my Ops Facebook page and the reach (over 2,000 people) was amazing!

...and lucky for the Op, The Des Moines Register picked up the Juice article and printed the photo and article in the paper!

RAGBRAI is planned and coordinated by The Des Moines Register (two columnists were the the original riders in 1973), so the article ended up on the RAGBRAI website blog section!


Although I wasn't quite 'ready' to have my spandex clad photo shared and printed for thousands of people, I was ecstatic to have Boot Campaign's name out there! I hope service members will check out the non-profit to see if it's a fit for their needs. I also hope individuals see that there are organizations that are in need of donations and choose to help. Boots On!

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