About Operation Pedal 4 Vets

Follow my journey of raising awareness and funds for The Boot Campaign as I train to ride my bicycle on RAGBRAI (400+ miles across the state of Iowa) while wearing combat boots!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Setting an Idea in Motion

I'm always looking for ways to support those that have given so much for our freedom. I saw The Boot Campaign last year and threw around the idea of wearing the boots for RAGBRAI but it was late in the training season and the idea was stored away. I saw another email from the BC this Spring and something just tugged at me to take action. I had successfully completed my first full week of RAGBRAI last year, why not tackle another week of biking across Iowa but while wearing combat boots and raising awareness and funds for veterans?!

So... with the countdown on:

and my boots ordered:
Source: www.bootcampaign.com

It's looking like it might just happen this year!

Now to create my fundraising page, a social media presence, and of course figure out how to bike 400+ miles in boots!

Thank you for your support,